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What is the Codex Alimentarius?

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is an intergovernmental body to implement the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme which was established by an FAO Conference resolution in 1961 and a World Health Assembly resolution, WHA 16.42, in 1963. Its principle objective is to protect the health of consumers and to facilitate the trade of food by setting international standards on foods (i.e. Codex Standards) and other texts which can be recommended to governments for acceptance.

The CAC is open to the governments of all member nations, or associate members of FAO and/or WHO. It currently has 183 Member States.

The FAO/WHO Project and Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex (Codex Trust Fund) was launched in 2003. The main objective of Codex Trust Fund is to help developing countries and those with economies in transition to enhance their level of effective participation in the Codex.

Source: WHO Release News

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