perineal nerve

Ýí åÐå ÇáÕÝÍÉ ÓæÝ ÊÌÏ ãæÇÖíÚ Úä male æsural nerve¡ ÈÇáÅÖÇÝÉ Åáì leg anatomy ænerves of the lower limb¡ ßÐáß lower leg anatomy¡ ÚáÇæÉ Úáì ÕÝÍÇÊ Ýí anococcygeal ligament¡ ÃíÖÇ tibial nerve æ saphenous nerve¡ ÈÅáÅÖÇÝÉ Åáì peroneal nerve æ nerves of the lower leg¡ ßãÇ ÓÊÌÏ ãæÇÖíÚ ÊÊÍÏË Úä nerves OF LOWER LIMB æ leg nerves¡ Åáì ÌÇäÈ ÕÝÍÇÊ Úä perineal nerve æ deep peroneal nerve¡ ÚáÇæÉ Úáì nerves of the leg æ lower limb nerves¡ ßÐáß ãÞÇáÇÊ ÊÊÍÏË Úä pelvic nerves æ sciatic nerve anatomy¡ ÇíÖÇ ÕÝÍÇÊ Ýí ãæÖæÚ bulbospongiosus æ nerves

The following are the result pages for the searched keyowrd: perineal nerve
Pudendal nerve anatomy

Pudendal nerve anatomy

13/11/2009 06:21:00 Õ

this image shows the pathway of the pudendal nerve in the abdominal region showing: 1. pudendal nerve 2. sacral spinal nerves (S2--S4) 3. gluteal region 4. pudendal canal 5. deep perineal pouch 6. dorsum of the penis 7. dorsal nerve of the penis 8. perineal nerve 9. inferior anal fiber... More Details
Pudendal nerve anatomy

Pudendal nerve anatomy

13/11/2009 06:21:00 Õ

this image shows the pathway of the pudendal nerve in the abdominal region showing: 1. pudendal nerve 2. sacral spinal nerves (S2--S4) 3. gluteal region 4. pudendal canal 5. deep perineal pouch 6. dorsum of the penis 7. dorsal nerve of the penis 8. perineal nerve 9. inferior anal fiber... More Details
Male pelvic nerves and vessels

Male pelvic nerves and vessels

13/11/2009 07:01:00 Õ

this image shows the pelvic arteries , veins and nerves in relation to each other and to the surrounding structures in the female pelvis region showing: 1. anococcygeal nerves 2. anococcygeal arteries 3. levator ani muscle 4. inferior clunial nerve 5. inferior rectal arteries 6. internal pudendal artery 7. internal pudendal vein 8. pudendal nerve 9. ischial tuberosity 10. superficial transverse p... More Details
Pelvis Anatomy

Pelvis Anatomy

06/11/2009 01:06:01 ã

In This Section you will find detailed different Sections about the different organs and structures in the region of the Pelvis including Male pelvis anatomy , Female pelvis anatomy , pelvic girdle and many more sections about the Pelvis anatomy...... More Details
Female pelvic nerves and vessels

Female pelvic nerves and vessels

13/11/2009 06:54:00 Õ

this image shows the pelvic arteries , veins and nerves in relation to each other and to the surrounding structures in the female pelvis region showing: 1. ischial tuberosity 2. superfaicial transverse perineal muscles 3. urogenital diaphragm 4. posterior labial nerve 5. isciocavernous muscle 6. posterior labial artery 7. bulbospongiosus muscle 8. urethral opening 9. labium minus 10. vestibular b... More Details
Nerves of the lower limb anatomy

Nerves of the lower limb anatomy

24/11/2009 06:08:00 Õ

this image shows the nerves of the lower limb showing their course , relation , branches and distribution (from anterior view) showing: "numbers" abdomen: 1. hepatic plexus 2. L1 nerve 3. L2 nerve 4. iliohypogastric nerve 5. ilioinguinal nerve 6. sympathetic trunk pelvis and perineum: 7. L5 nerve 8. obturator nerve 9. lumbosacral trunk 10. S1 nerve 11. S3 nerve 12. sympathetic trunk 13.... More Details
Abdominal X-Ray |

Abdominal X-Ray |

09/01/2012 12:15:00 ã

This is a X-Ray image of the Abdomen from Antero-Poterior View,Showing the Abdomen from front. Showing : 1. Rib 2. Thoracic Vertebra 3. Gastric Air Bubble 4. Air Bubble 7. Sacrum 8. Sacroiliac joint 9. Head of the Femur Bone 10. Ilium 11. Superior Border of Ilium... More Details
Bones and ligaments of the FEMALE Pelvis |

Bones and ligaments of the FEMALE Pelvis |

13/11/2009 07:31:00 Õ

this image is a horizontal section in a female pelvis shows the different pelvic organs and structures in relation to each other showing: 1. iliacus muscle 2. sartorius muscle 3. rectus femoris muscle 4. tensor fascia lata muscle 5. vastus lateralis muscle 6. hip joint 7. neck of femur 8. tendon of psoas muscle 9. obturator externus muscle 10. bursa deep to obturator internus muscle 11. ischial t... More Details
Blood supply of the exterior of the skull

Blood supply of the exterior of the skull

09/10/2009 03:39:00 ã

this image shows the middle meningeal artery (its course and branches) that artery supplies that exterior aspect of the skull it is also shows the common points for injury of that artery causing hemorrhage showing: 1. ant. branch of middle meningeal artery 2. external angular process 3. post. branch of middle meningeal artery... More Details
Male Pelvic X-Ray

Male Pelvic X-Ray

09/01/2012 12:25:00 ã

This is a X-Ray Image of Male Pelvis which is usually characterized by being Narrower and longer the female pelvis. Showing : 1. 2 Iliac Bones 2. 2 Sacroiliac joints 3. Sacrum 4. Lumbar Vertebrae 5. Symphysis Pubis 6. Coccyx 7. Penis shadow 8. 2 Head of Femurs... More Details
Body-Torso -- Side View (Body anatomy)

Body-Torso -- Side View (Body anatomy)


Your torso consists of two parts — the chest and the abdomen. The chest contains your heart and lungs; your abdomen contains the digestive and urinary systems. Your chest and abdomen are separated by a dome-shaped sheet of muscle called the diaphragm. showing: 1. larynx 2. esophagus 3. lung 4. sternum 5. heart 6. diaphragm 7. liver 8. gall bladder 9. stomach 10. transverse colon 11. coils of smal... More Details
Dermabond Propen: Using High Viscosity Dermabond Topical Skin Adhesive

Dermabond Propen: Using High Viscosity Dermabond Topical Skin Adhesive


Dermabond is a topical skin adhesive composed of a monomeric formulation composed of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate. Dermabond Propen it is an extremely convenient and cosmetically appealing method to close skin wounds and treat wounds involving epidermis and dermis. High Viscosity Dermabond adhesive provides better control, and its strong, flexible bond seals out the most common infection-causing bacteria... More Details
Dermatology Atlas |

Dermatology Atlas |

24/06/2011 10:15:47 Õ

In This Section you will find detailed different sections about all different disease affecting the skin including Papulosquamous diseases , Disorders of Sebaseous Glands , Disorders of Pigmentation , Disorders of Hair , Bacterial Infection and many more Sections of the diseases affecting thew skin and genital tract ......... More Details
Tinea Capitis (Favus) |

Tinea Capitis (Favus) |

31/07/2011 07:30:00 ã

Tinea Capitis (gray Patch) The lesion is a small, round, elevated patches, hyperkeratotic , scaling of the scalp, and dry and brittle hair ( the hair shafts are broken just above the surface)... More Details
Tinea Capitis (Favus) |

Tinea Capitis (Favus) |

31/07/2011 07:30:00 ã

Tinea Capitis (gray Patch) The lesion is a small, round, elevated patches, hyperkeratotic , scaling of the scalp, and dry and brittle hair ( the hair shafts are broken just above the surface)... More Details
Female pelvis anatomy |

Female pelvis anatomy |

22/11/2009 06:07:00 Õ

this image is a longitudinal cross section in the female pelvic brim (the bones and ligaments of the female pelvic region) displaying a lateral view of that sectioned pelvis showing: 1. anterior longitudinal ligament 2. lumbosacral joint 3. wing of the ilium bone 4. anterior superior iliac spine 5. promontary of the sacrum bone 6. linea terminalis 7. obturator membrane 8. interpubic disc 9. symph... More Details
Furuncle |

Furuncle |

31/07/2011 06:48:00 ã

Furuncle bumpy red, pus-filled lumps around a hair follicle that are tender, warm, and very painful. They range from pea-sized to golf ball-sized. A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus... More Details
Herpes Simplex |

Herpes Simplex |

30/12/2011 04:32:00 ã

In this lesion you would find a group of vesicles ( elevated lesion filled with secretion) on red base on the lips in this image. Crieteria for spot diagnosis: 1. Group of vesicles 2. Erythematous base (red base) 3.May be crustations... More Details
How does the body maintain normal blood pressure?

How does the body maintain normal blood pressure?


The body has mechanisms to alter or maintain blood pressure and the flow of blood. There are sensors in the walls of the arteries and heart that sense blood pressure.... More Details
Psoriasis of The Nail |

Psoriasis of The Nail |

25/06/2011 08:37:00 ã

Pustular Psoriasis rare type of Psoriasis characterized by Extensive erythematous plaques covered with silvery white scales. Associated with Pustules (collections of pus under the surface of the skin) Criteria For Spot Diagnosis: 1. Erythematous lesion 2. plaque "raised lesion" 3. covered by silvery white scales 4. Presence of Pustules.... More Details
Cheaper Overseas: Indian Surrogate Mothers

Cheaper Overseas: Indian Surrogate Mothers


There are certain important tips that you will have to take care when you want to find surrogate and go for surrogacy in India or finding affordable surrogates, surrogacy mother, Egg Donor, Surrogacy In India -Surrogacy Steps, Surrogacy FAQ, Surrogacy Costs, Surrogacy laws, Surrogacy Tips, Surrogacy Procedures, Surrogacy Basic FAQs for surrogacy in India.... More Details
Male pelvis anatomy

Male pelvis anatomy

10/12/2009 09:19:00 Õ

this image shows the anatomy of the male pelvis in longitudinal section view the median line of the male pelvis.showing the male pelvic organs and structures in relation to each other. showing: 1. Peritoneum 2. Urinary bladder 3. Ureter 4. Rectum 5. Prostate Gland 6. Urogenital diaphragm 7. Urethra 8. External urethral meatus 9. Penile urethra 10. External urethral sphincter 11. Pubic symphysis... More Details
Pelvic Lines

Pelvic Lines

09/01/2012 12:27:00 ã

This is a X-Ray Image of Male Pelvis From Antero-Posterior View This image also Shows the most important line to be remembered in the pelvic region. Showing : 1. 2 Iliac Bones 2. 2 Sacroiliac joints 3. Sacrum 4. Lumbar Vertebrae 5. Symphysis Pubis 6. Coccyx 7. Penis shadow 8. 2 Head of Femurs 9. Sacral Arcuate lines 10. Ilio-pectineal Line 11. Ilio-ischial Line 12. Shenton's Line... More Details
Man Clinic - Dr Khaled Gadalla

Man Clinic - Dr Khaled Gadalla

21/11/2010 08:39:00 ã

Consultant UroAndrologist, Lecturer of andrology Alazhar University, Microsurgery, Sexual Medicine, Male Infertility... More Details
Medical Schools in Iraq

Medical Schools in Iraq

25/02/2007 10:22:48 Õ

... More Details
Medical links directory in Egypt

Medical links directory in Egypt

20/04/2006 05:14:18 ã

Web pages directory for health and medical related websites. Browse and search for medical sites for students, doctors and patients. Categories are well organized to include mostly all branches of the medicine including Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, healthcare services, Medical Equipment, Medical Software, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology and Cardiology.. ... More Details
Muscles of the upper limb |

Muscles of the upper limb |

06/11/2009 02:41:00 ã

this image shows the different structures of the upper limb (muscles, tendons , arteries ,bones .....) focusing on the posterior aspect of the upper limb showing: 3. radial nerve 5. extensor retinaculum 8. extensor carpi radialis longus muscle 9. brachioradialis muscle 10. brachialis muscle 12. supraspinous muscle 13. scapular spine 14. trapezius muscle 15. infraspinous muscle 16. latissimus dors... More Details
Normal Skull X-Ray Lateral View |

Normal Skull X-Ray Lateral View |

09/01/2012 11:21:00 Õ

This is an X-Ray image of the Skull taken from an antero-posterior View showing the Skull From the front. Showing: 1. Frontal Bone 2. 2 Parietal Bones 3. Occipital Bone 4. Lambdoid Suture 5. Ocular Sockets 6. Vertex... More Details
Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity

11/10/2009 04:09:00 ã

the image on the right: is a detailed image of the structures of the mouth the image on the left: cut section in the head showing the structures of the mouth and oropharynx ( just after the mouth area) showing: 1. nasal cavity 2. palate 3. oral cavity 4. tongue 5. lips 6. jaw 7. larynx 8. esophagus 9. pharynx... More Details
Hand X-Ray

Hand X-Ray

09/01/2012 12:58:00 ã

This is a X-Ray image of the Hand showing the Hand from antero-posterior view This image indicates the Joints of the Hand Showing : 1. Wrist Joint 2. Carpo-Metacarpal Joint 3. Proximal Inter-phalangeal Joint of the thumb 4. Distal Inter-phalangeal Joint of the thumb 5. Proximal Inter-phalangeal Joint of the Index 6. Middle Inter-phalangeal Joint of the Index 7. Distal Inter-phalangeal Joint of th... More Details
Top Photos in Female pelvic anatomy

Top Photos in Female pelvic anatomy

13/11/2009 07:04:00 Õ

this is an anterior view of the female reproductive system in the pelvic region showing: 1. fundus of the uterus 2. ureter 3. colon 4. ovary 5. infundibular pelvic ligament 6. uterine (fallopian ) tube 7. round ligament 8. broad ligament 9. ovarian ligament 10. cervix 11. urinary bladder 12. uterosacral ligament 13. uterine artery... More Details
Top Photos |

Top Photos |

11/10/2009 04:02:00 ã

this image shows the major vessels in the neck region and their relations to each other showing: 1. sternothyroid m. 2. inf. thyroid vein 3. middle thyroid vein 4. cricothyroid m. 5. sternothyroid artery... More Details
Dads: How to share in your partner's pregnancy

Dads: How to share in your partner's pregnancy


Pregnancy is seen as mostly a woman's thing. Few women believe that their partner really understands what's involved. And the fact is, many of us dads-to-be don't. We talk about it. We show interest. We empathise (without going overboard). We even try to read about it, at least a little. But let's face it, our experience of having a baby is fairly removed from the real thing until ... More Details
Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis

26/06/2011 10:50:00 Õ

Guttate Psoriasis erythematous rain drop lesions covered with silvery white scales. Criteria For Spot Diagnosis: 1. Erythematous lesion 2. rain drop lesion (many small lesions) 3. covered by silvery white scales... More Details
Muscles -- Side View (muscular system)

Muscles -- Side View (muscular system)


this image shows the muscles of our body and displays them on both male and female diagram showing: 1. trapezius muscle 2. deltoid muscle 3. biceps muscle 4. latissimus dorsi muscle 5. extensor muscles of the hand 6. semitendinous muscle 7. vastus laterralis muscle 8. femoral rectus muscle 9. peroneus longus muscle 10. anterior tibial muscle 11. soleus muscle 12. sternocleiomastoid muscle 13. pec... More Details
Smoking Fetish Of Women

Smoking Fetish Of Women


According to one of the researches, it has been found that the smell and taste of cigarettes play a greater role in women's smoking behavior than in that of men. Another study found that cognitive-behavioral therapy aimed at changing attitudes about weight promotes smoking cessation by women. Even if we compare their stats with men, we’ll be surprised to know that the guys who smoke are one ou... More Details
Cerebral hemisphere

Cerebral hemisphere

13/10/2009 01:09:00 Õ

a superio-lateral view of the cerebral hemisphere showing: 1. frontal lobe 2. central sulcus 3. parietal lobe 4. occipital lobe 5. cerebellum 6. sylvian fissure... More Details
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